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About Paws+Claws

We are a group of local volunteers with a vision of sharing our love for Illinois native flora and fauna.

Your Wetlands


Illinois' native fauna and flora is a particular passion and through rescue, rehabilitation, and education, Prairie Paws+Claws cultivate's a community that values and actively participates in conservation efforts, ensuring a sustainable future for wildlife and their habitats.

About Prairie Paws+Claws

Founded in 1972, Prairie Paws+Claws, is more than just an organization – we're a family of dedicated individuals committed to safeguarding the natural heritage of Illinois. Through rescue missions, educational initiatives, and fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature, we strive to create a brighter, greener future for all.

Stand Together for Wildlife

It's imperative that we amplify our efforts to protect wildlife and their habitats. By uniting our voices and actions, we can ignite a powerful movement for conservation. Let's make conscious choices and advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being of our natural world.

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